- Cama-i, quyana tailuci!
- (Central Yup’ik)
- "Greetings, thank you for coming!"
Forming Teams
What are leadership teams? (Forming teams)
This section helps administrators understand the critical role district and school leadership teams play in the development and implementation of the SW-PBS framework. The district leadership is composed of district level policy makers. The school leadership team is a cross representation of school staff including: principal, certified staff, non-certified staff, parents, and possibly community representatives. Each team meets at least one time per month, for the purpose of student and system-wide data-based decision-making. These teams need to be able to develop action plans based on data based decision making.
Developing an understanding of the school system infrastructure and how it can be enhanced, through community, family, and cultural partners, allows different perspectives and levels of support to be considered within the three tiers of support.
- SW-PBS Team Infrastructure Graphic (word)
- SW-PBS Team Infrastructure Narrative (word)
- School Leadership Team Description (word)
- Internal SW-PBS Coach (word)
- External SW-PBS Coach (word)
- Leadership Team Roles & Responsibilities (word)
- SW-PBS Data Collection Schedule (word)
- Evidence-based Interventions by Tier (word)
- Action Planning Directions (word)
- Action Plan Template (word)
- Leadership Team Training (powerpoint)