- Cama-i, quyana tailuci!
- (Central Yup’ik)
- "Greetings, thank you for coming!"
Early Learning Screening & Assessment
Early Learning Screening and Assessment
Ages and Stages Questionnaire - Third Edition (ASQ-3)
DEED provides this developmental screening tool to school districts and Head Start programs working with children three-five years of age. Teachers are trained to assist parents in answering the questions about their child's development and then score the screener, discuss results with the parent(s), and work with the parent(s) to determine appropriate next steps. The purpose of the screener is to have a quick, reliable, and valid tool to determine if a child is developing as expected or is at risk for developmental delay and more focused developmental evaluation is needed.
Teaching Strategies GOLD
DEED provides an online observation-based assessment tool to all public Alaskan Pre-Elementary Programs. This assessment, Teaching Strategies GOLD, is in alignment with Alaska’s Early Learning Guidelines. GOLD assessment data informs programs about each child’s growth as well as provides information about classroom, site, and program efficacy. The state uses the data to document success of pre-elementary programs and informs statewide systems and services.
GOLD Assessment Assurances Form (docx)
(Search Form Number: 05-23-025)
Alaska Developmental Profile (ADP)
The ADP is Alaska’s Kindergarten Entrance Assessment. For more information, go to Alaska Developmental Profile (ADP) website
For more information about Teaching Strategies GOLD and the ADP, please contact Supanika Ordonez at (907) 465-8707.
For more information about ASQ-3, please contact Kristen Spencer at (907) 465-8707.
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Contact Us
Becky Moren
Early Learning Administrator
- EEP to 0.5 ADM Applications
- Grants-Early Education Program (EEP)
- Early Education Program Standards
Jayne McFarland
Education Specialist II
- 619/Preschool Special Education
- Developmental Screening-ASQ-3, ASQ:SE-2
- Grants-Early Learning Coordination Grants
- Grants-Pre-Elementary (PEG)
- Pre-Elementary Approval to Operate Applications
Kristen Spencer
Education Specialist II
- Assessment-Alaska Developmental Profile
- Assessment-Teaching Strategies GOLD
- Grants-State Early Head Start/Head Start
- Head Start Collaboration Office
Supanika Ordonez
Education Specialist II
- Assessment-Alaska Developmental Profile
- Assessment-Teaching Strategies GOLD
- Grants-State Early Head Start/Head Start
- Head Start Collaboration Office