- Cama-i, quyana tailuci!
- (Central Yup’ik)
- "Greetings, thank you for coming!"
Publications & Resources
The department has produced a number of publications and templates to provide guidelines to districts for project planning, CIP (AS 14.11) application submittals, and project administration. Related reports published for the legislature have also been made available.
Links & Information
To view the resources provided by DEED in each of the sections below, click or otherwise activate each section header.
- Annual Report, Debt Project [DEED Form #05-19-058--Due by October 15] (word)
- Annual Report, Grant Project [DEED Form #05-19-059--Due by July 31] (word)
- Capital Project Administration Handbook (pdf)
- Closeout Worksheet, Debt Project (excel)
- Closeout Worksheet, Grant Project (excel)
- District Participating Share for CIP Grants
- Project Delivery Method Handbook (pdf)
- Contact Facilities staff for a template to request DEED approval
For the current CIP application, instructions, eligibility checklist, scoring criteria, guidelines for raters, and Cost Model - refer to Capital Improvement Project Application and Support
- PM State-of-the-State Report (EED Maintenance Assessments & Related Data) (pdf)
- Alaska School Facilities Preventive Maintenance Handbook (pdf)
- PM Program Compliance Self-Check Test (pdf)
- Renewal/Replacement Schedule (excel)
- Facility Re/Retro-Commissioning Assessment Tool (excel)
*Links to external resources are provided as a public service and do not imply endorsement*
- Environmental Assessment Checklist for Healthy Schools, Alaska Edition by the U.S. EPA Region 10 and the Alaska Native Tribal Health Consortium -- a tool designed for schools in rural Alaska to help assess school environments and identify areas for improvement and potential action.
- Sensible Steps webinar series by the U.S. EPA, Region 10 -- introduces sensible, low- or no-cost steps that communities can take to create healthier environments in their schools.
- Indoor Air Quality Tools for Schools: Preventive Maintenance Guidance Documents by U.S. EPA -- resources for developing and evaluating a indoor air quality plan
- Energy for Non-Residential Buildings by the Alaska Housing Finance Corporation (AHFC) -- resources to assist with energy efficiency projects and implementation of cost-saving measures for schools and other non-residential buildings.
- Weather Data Depot and Degree Days provide heating & cooling degree day weather data for energy management uses.
- Alaska School Design and Construction Standards (pdf)
- Professional Services for School Capital Projects (pdf)
- Contact Facilities staff for a template request for proposals document
- Guide for School Facility Condition Surveys (pdf)
- Life Cycle Cost Analysis Handbook (pdf)
- A Handbook to Writing Educational Specifications (pdf)
- Current Attendance Area list
- Current Attendance Area ADM & GSF Calculations (excel)
- Swimming Pool Guidelines (pdf)
- Guidelines for School Equipment Purchases (pdf)
- Site Selection Criteria and Evaluation Handbook (pdf)
- Project Delivery Method Handbook (pdf)
- Contact Facilities staff for a template to request DEED approval
- DEED Checklist for ASHRAE 90.1-2016 Compliance (excel)
- DEED-Approved Commissioning Agent Certifications (pdf)
Seismic Information - The information below was prepared in 2009 by the Alaska Seismic Hazard Safety Commission and submitted to the department in order to assist school districts in their review of seismic hazard and risk. The information contained in the documents below should be used for reference only, and decisions based on the information should be accomplished by geologists, geotechnical engineers, or structural engineers as appropriate.
- Program Demand Cost Model - A MS Excel workbook for conceptual construction cost estimating of new school construction and renovation projects.
- Cost Format - Standard Construction cost estimate format to be used on all capital improvement project cost estimates.
School Capital Project Funding Report – An annual report to the legislature on the effectiveness and funding sources of the state aid for school construction and major maintenance grants and debt reimbursement, as required by AS 14.11.035.
Statewide Six-Year Plan – Compiled from the district plans submitted to the department, primarily through the CIP process in the fall. Provides an overview of projects and estimated costs that are anticipated by the districts over the next six fiscal years.
Prototype School Construction Report – A report to the legislature on the benefits and disadvantages of prototypical school design and construction in Alaska, as required by Chapter 15, SLA 2014 (HB 278).
School Capital Project Funding Report Under HB 2003 - A report to the legislature on the effectiveness of the school school construction grant and school construction debt reimbursement programs utilizing general obligation bonds during the period November 2002 to December 2004, as required by Chapter 3, SSSLA 2002 (HB 2003).
- Attendance Area
- Map of the Alaska Public School Districts (pdf)
- Map of Alaska Public Schools (excel)
- Regulations - Summary of the 2019 Adopted 4 AAC 31 Changes (docx)
- Regulations - Compiled 4 AAC 31 as of 12-1-2019 (docx)
If you would like an original copy of the map, please e-mail Lori Weed or call (907) 465-2785.
*Links to external resources are provided as a public service and do not imply endorsement*
Lead Water Test Results - The Water Infrastructure Improvements for the Nation (WIIN) Act established the Lead Testing in School and Child Care Program Drinking Water grant in 2016 to award funding to states, territories, and tribes to assist local and tribal educational agencies in voluntary testing for lead contamination in drinking water at schools and childcare facilities. Below are school districts that have participated in the voluntary program.